Thursday, October 14, 2010

Who does acne affect

Acne is the most common skin disease. Everyone gets it, although it is most common in teenagers and young adults. An estimate of 80 percent of people between 11 and 30 have breakouts at least once during that period of time. Although it is most common in teens and young adults people in their forties and fifties still get pimples and acne. 

Help prevent acne

Acne can really affect your life. Here are sone tips to help prevent yourself from ever getting acne.

The first thing is, don't do drugs, especially weed. When you put the toxins of drugs into your body it triggers your hormones to produce acne.

Another thing you can do is wash your face EVERYNIGHT, especially girls, get all of your makeup off and don't wear alot of foundation because this will clog your poures. If you are trying a new makeup and you start to break out make sure you stop using that product and try something new.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My good friend

I am a teen who has had trouble with acne. That is why i decided to write this blog! 

I have this good friend, she thinks she gets pimples sometimes. I don't think so because if she does it doesn't look like it! She has very nice skin and doesn't need to do much for it. If she really thinks she needs to do something she should follow my blog and use my tips!

This is for S.P.

Acne be gone

Many people have issues with acne or even just a simple pimple. Here are a few different methods that are easy and you can do at home that wont take anytime at all! 

First, you can try squeezing some lemon juice into a cup. Then add about a teaspoon of honey and mix it up. Put that over your acne or pimple. Wait about 10-15 mins and then wash it off. The next day you  should see your acne or pimple either gone or not as noticeable. 

Secondly, you can just put some toothpaste on the pimple. This method is better for spot treatment.  This usually dries up the pimple, and you should see results the next day.

I hoped this helped and stay connected to see more acne or pimple tips coming soon!